Wednesday, October 01, 2008

It really is really real! WOW

So this whole thing was never really honestly real to me before today. I mean sure, I had some morning sickness, dizziness and am always tired. But that didn't mean a whole lot until today. At my appointment I met one of the midwives and she was really great. She taught me a lot and asked me a ton of questions. I didn't get a full head to toe exam since I am only 9 weeks. I have another appointment on my 12 week day to get the full "detail". However she heard me say that I wanted a ultrasound so desperately today. So she said she would tell the hospital that we were not sure the due date so we needed to do an ultrasound to get a better idea. :) I measured nine weeks as of today, Wednesday. And my due date is now May 7th!

Seeing the baby and then hearing the heartbeat was by far one of the most amazing moments in my life thus far. I know that may sound stupid, but I have yet to stop smiling since we left the hospital. Thinking this is something that would never in a million years happen to us makes this even more of a miracle. Today started out really horrible, selling my wedding ring for way under price to pay bills was awful. I cried a lot, just because it was something that meant a lot to me. But it was cured for the time being seeing our little sticky bean on the screen! So here are some more of the pictures we got from him, one of them shows the heartbeat at 168.73 per minute, which he said was perfect! YAY


7 loving comments, who likes comments?:

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful and wonderful!! I am so overjoyed for you guys. Hearing your baby's heartbeat, and seeing them on an ultrasound is one of the most tender and precious experiences. This realizatioin just hits you and all this emotion starts coming up. It's not stupid at all! Congratulations! Hooray hooray hooray!

Andrews Family said...

Awwwww...look at your little peanut! Ultrasounds are the best! Congratulations!! I'm sure your mom is thrilled!! :)

Monica said...

The last two pictures remind me of a lava lamp. That tells me you're going to have one cool baby! Let's go get lunch monday or tuesday if you can!

spaceyhawks said...

I'm so happy for you that you got your ultrasound!!! That's so exciting. I remember feeling the same way, thinking, no way, it's really for real now. Now all I can think of is how I just want my little ninja out of me. HAHA!!! Don't feel dumb, I couldn't stop smiling all day when we found out Ian was a boy, I actually started crying. ;-)

Trevor and Holly said...

Congratulation!!! Having a baby is the most sweet and exciting thing a woman can experiance in her life!! That is so fun, I'm happy for you!! Glad you found our blog, you're so cute!! Holly

Fosburg Four said...

Yeah!!!! Babies are great!!! You guys make a great team and will be AWESOME parent!!! We are SO excited for you!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! This is so wonderful! I hope your feeling okay. Congratulations! love you guys!